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If you recall from the very first Flashback Friday that featured Kenner's SUPER POWERS COLLECTION, you know that while I collected many of the figures, I wasn't a completist back then. However, I knew a few fellow collectors who were even more dedicated to this toy line than I was, so now I can come back another round of updates for the SUPER POWERS COLLECTION!

Here we are...after today's feature, you'll be able to check out every single action figure in the entire line.

There's a lot to get through here today, so I'll cut the commentary short and let you jump right to the figures...

Wave 1 - 1984

The Clown Prince of Crime included a mallet that could hit the good guys, or he could wear it on his head for protection. When you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Madcap Mallet"!

The Master of Fowl Play came with a 3-piece umbrella: the spinning umbrella itself, a handle, and a hidden telescoping blade that could be moved up and down. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Umbrella Arm"!

Wonder Woman
The Amazing Amazon included a coiled magic lasso, so the bad guys would spill the beans and give up their evil plans. when you squeeze her legs together, you activate "Power Action Deflector Bracelets"!

Wave 2 - 1985

The Tiny Tyrant of Terror includes a sculpted-on brain-zapping machine, with a pair of hand-held shocker connected by a string. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Shock Squeeze"!

Green Arrow
The Emerald Archer includes a bow and arrows that could be stored in his quiver. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Archery Pull"!

The Cruel Crusher includes a deadly beta-club, to smash the enemies of his father Darkseid. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Beta-Club Swing"!

The Energy Vampire did not include any extra accessories, but he does have one unique feature for this line: articulated wrists! when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Pincer Thrust"!

A member of the Airborne Army of Apokolips, this creature includes a blaster. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Battle Flight"!

Wave 3 - 1986

This version of the Titanium Titan is actually from the knock-off Super Amigos line from South America. He includes three different interchangeable arms, only one of which is shown here. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Thrusting Arms"!

The Computerized Crimefighter was a robot that was disguised as a crimefighter. He never appeared in the comics or the cartoon series. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Cyclo-Spin"!

Golden Pharoah
The Egyptian Idol is another character that was created solely for the toy line. He includes a staff and a clear body that "lights up". when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Soaring Wings"!

Mister Freeze
The Frozen Felon does not include any accessories, although he has a string that connects through the back into the legs that was unique to this version. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Cold-Blast Punch"!

The Scourge of Apokolips did not include any accessories, but he had a large helmet that housed a face-changing feature, revealing the dual sides of his personality. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Astro-Punch"!

Plastic Man
The Stretchable Sleuth does not come with any extra accessories, but instead has a "stretching" feature. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Stretching Neck"!

The Japanese Warrior is a character that was created for the cartoon show, in order to give the team a more global membership. He includes a lightning bolt swoird. when you squeeze his arms together, you activate "Power Action Gale-Force Spin"!

The Merciless Mercenary is an interesting choice for this line, since he wasn't a modern-day DC villain, but instead an enemy of the future Legion of Super-Heroes team. His right arm could fire the rocket. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Rocket Launch"!

Clark Kent
A mail-in figure that was available through a special offer during the first two waves. Superman's alter-ego did not come with any accessories, but he included the same action feature as many of the hero character. when you squeeze his legs together, you activate "Power Action Punch"!

Well, there you have it! The complete line-up in the Super Powers Collection! It's worth noting that since I included the Super Amigos version of Cyborg, that there was another character that was exclusive to that knock-off line: the Riddler, who was a repaint of Green Lantern. Perhaps one day, I 'll be able to track that one down and add him to the archive.

Very special thanks to Joe Kiskis and Rick Blood for providing the toys seen in today's feature. Check back all weekend long for more DC Comics super-hero figure, both from the past and the present!

See you next week!

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