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Jungle Cutter

Jungle Cutter

Affiliation: Soviet Military
Function: Trailblazing
Length: 31 Feet Long
More Effective Than: A Machete
Weapons: Massive Bladed Disks
Not: Environmentally Friendly
Comments: The Soviet Army is not known for its subtlety. The Jungle Cutter is a prime example of that lack of nuance. Massive, noisy, and reeking of diesel fuel, it cuts a swath wide enough to drive an armored battalion through the South American jungle, headed for the lost city of Akator. The bladed drums mounted on its front end pulp anything and everything before it, and Indiana Jones finds himself directly in its path!

Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

Year: 2008

Assortment: Titanium Series

Retail: $6.99

Assortment Number: 40683/40565

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