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Weta: Dr. Grordbort's Rayguns
F.M.O.M. Industries Wave Disrupter Gun
F.M.O.M. Industries
Wave Disrupter Gun

Comments: Are you genetically pre-disposed to not wanting to blow your face to bits? Then, by crikey, this may not be the device for you - Try a kite! But, if you're a man, then send large money orders forthwith and procure yourself FMOM's latest and greatest. Built from the exacting plans of the famed Dr. Grordbort, and reinforced with purest Tremontium, this little tiger will turn your foes to a slurry!

The guns will be limited edition pieces. Weta Limited will be making only 500 of this gun worldwide, all of which will be handcrafted and made out of metal with some glass parts. Every Raygun comes with its own velvet lined pressed tin case, Certificate of Authenticity and an assortment of implements and crafting tools. Not only that, these bad boys will be a decent punch of metal – with each gun weighing in at over 7 pounds, these weapons are no light investment.

Dr. Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators & Other Marvelous Contraptions

Collection: Rayguns

Year: 2007

Retail: $690.00

Limited Edition: 500

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  • The raygun in this Photo Archive is the prototype

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