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Weta: Dr. Grordbort's Rayguns
Manmelter 3600ZX - Miniature Version
Manmelter 3600ZX
Miniature Version

Comments: Utilising advanced Nanna Technologistics, complicated looking whoodads and lots of loud clanging noises, the boffins at Grordbort's Labs have miniaturised the Manmelter 3600ZX! At a mere one quarter of it's original size (roughly comparable in size to a mens pocket watch), this finely made item will fit snugly into any aperture a covert agent thinks necessary.

Gaze with wonder at it's diminutive proportion, that's the power of science!

Dr. Grordbort's Infallible Aether Oscillators & Other Marvelous Contraptions

Collection: Rayguns

Year: 2007

Retail: $30.00

Limited Edition: 500

  • Display Stand

  • Note:
    This was a convention exclusive available at San Diego Comic-Con, July 26-29, 2007.

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