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First Look: Indiana Jones Packaging Designs
Posted by Curto on September 18, 2007 at 10:42 AM CST:
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is not even due out until next year, but we've got a first look at the packaging design for the upcoming merchandise. This may or may not be the final design that will show up on shelves, but if you're an Indy fan, then you're sure to get chills from these new photos!

Blister Packaging Design
The basic card design for action figures and other items, the design features Indy's whip wrapped from the back of the card, arouind the plastic bubble, and up through the peg hook.

Window Box Packaging Design
The basic box design for vehicles, role playing toys, and other items that sit on the store shelves....but they won't be sitting for long!

Hanging Tag Packaging Design
Tag design for attaching to items like plush toys, apparel, or loose pieces.

Header Card Packaging Design
Card design for bagged items hanging from pegs.

While these may not be the final versions for the Indiana Jones merchandise we'll be seeing in 2008, what we're seeing so far looks fantastic!

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