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Iron Studios: Gambit Art Scale

Posted by: Nick on July 3, 2024 at 06:10 PM CST

Abandoned at birth due to his unique eyes, raised on the streets as a member of the infamous Thieves' Guild, Remy LeBeau, Gambit, was trained to be the leader of the group, and as a peace pact between the Thieves' Guild and their rivals, the Assassins' Guild, a marriage was arranged between Remy and Bella Donna Boudreaux, the granddaughter of the head of the Assassins' Guild. However, Bella Donna's brother, Julien, opposed the marriage and challenged Gambit to a duel. Remy killed him in self-defense but was excommunicated and banished from New Orleans to maintain the non-aggression pact between the two guilds. With his mutant powers and skills as a thief, Gambit wandered the world and was recruited by Mr. Sinister for a team of assassins called the Marauders, where he rebelled and was nearly killed by the villain Sabretooth. Remy met Storm and helped her escape from her enemy, the Shadow King, leading Storm to be responsible for Remy's admission to the X-Men. Gambit has been involved with various heroes and villains, but his most famous relationship is with his fellow X-Man, Rogue, with whom he fell in love, with reciprocated mutual feelings. A charmer and a trickster, Gambit is extremely skilled in throwing small objects such as cards, bolas, knives, and balls with great precision.

Created by Chris Claremont and Jim Lee, Gambit first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #266 in 1990 and quickly gained great popularity thanks to the 1992 X-Men animated series. Revealed on the Inside Iron Studios Day show of April, Gambit is another X-Man to receive his Legacy Replica 1/4 version, already available for Pre-Order. Also, soon to be released is the "Beast - Marvel Comics - Legacy Replica 1/4" statue by Iron Studios, adding to other Marvel Comics icons, with other previously released statues such as Wolverine, Spider-Man, The Punisher, Daredevil, Hulk, and Thanos, and many future releases of other X-Men to come.

Gambit - X-Men Comics - Legacy Replica 1/4
- Limited edition
- Based on original references
- Made in polystone - *(may contain parts in resin, polystone, PVC, metal and fabric)
- Hand painted
- Product dimensions: 27.7 in (H) x 19.6 in (W) x 19.6 in (D)
- Product Weight: 30.8 lbs
- MSRP: USD 799,99 (American US Dollars)
- Release schedule: First quarter of 2025

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