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Iron Studios: Green Lantern Art Scale

Posted by: Nick on May 13, 2024 at 08:30 PM CST

Military test pilot Hal Jordan was abducted in the Californian desert by the dying alien Abin Sur, chosen by his power ring, Sur wanted Hal to succeed him in the Green Lantern Corps, an intergalactic police force that has protected the universe for billions of years, created by the so-called Guardians of the Universe, one of the first intelligent life forms in the universe. Hal accepted and became the first human inducted into the Corps, trained at the headquarters on the planet Oa. Jordan inherited the Green Lantern mantle, acting as a galactic cop, it was his job to serve and protect all life in Sector 2814, where Earth is located. His powers stem from his Power Ring and the Green Lantern Power Battery, which in the hands of someone capable of overcoming fear, allows the user to channel their willpower to create all kinds of fantastic constructs, capable of conjuring whatever their imagination commands. Stubborn, charming, and impulsive, Hal Jordan is considered by many as possibly the greatest Green Lantern of all time. Hal is also a founding member of the Justice League. Created by writer John Broome and illustrator Gil Kane in 1959, debuting in the Showcase #22 comic book. Jordan is a reinvention of the previous Green Lantern, Alan Scott, who appeared in comics in the 1940s.

Revealed firsthand on the monthly Inside Iron Studios Day show in April, on Iron Studios’ YouTube channel, Iron Studios adds with this release another iconic character from the DC universe, who, like Superman, Batman, and other Marvel heroes presented earlier, Green Lantern also benefits from the evolution in creation and development for this scale. Already available for Pre-Order, it's a must-have both in the brightest day and in the blackest night!

Green Lantern Unleashed - DC Comics - Deluxe Art Scale 1/10
- Limited edition
- Based on original references
- Made in polystone - *(may contain parts in resin, polystone, PVC, metal and fabric)
- Hand painted
- Product dimensions: 9.3 in (H) x 13.9 (W) x 12.5 (D)
- Product Weight: 2.2 lbs
- MSRP: USD 249,99 (American US Dollars)
- Release schedule: First quarter of 2025

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