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Super Impulse: Tiny Arcade Turtle Fighter Review

Posted by: Nick on November 4, 2020 at 08:17 PM CST

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First, to set expectations this is not a full emulation of the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles arcade game, nor does Super Impulse say that with its Turtle Fighter label. What it is is a few levels from the original arcade game, but with an emulation that looks closer to the NES version than the arcade version.

To start with what is different, the music seems to be a consistent soundtrack throughout, that can be shut off, instead of unique music for each stage and the iconic TMNT song at the start. The sound effects are a pretty consistent sword clinging noise when attacking other characters, but they can also be shut off.

Regarding the stages, the game advertises three but we found at least four and anticipate as many as five in the game, we just couldn't get there. The game path seems to be building fire, then skip to sewers, then the parking garage stage, then the highway, and potentially the factory stage or Technodrome, we just couldn't get that far as the game got oddly challenging in the highway level.

We found the energy system confusing. Sometimes we would just lose a lot of energy when around an enemy character and others times there would be one hit kills from vehicles or bombs. On the plus side you earn a little energy with every enemy you defeat but there are a finite number of lives. Also despite advertising the availability of all characters we could not figure out how to switch from Donatello.

The difference aside, the game still incorporates a variety of foot soldiers and includes the some little pitfalls and traps that can help or hurt your characters. Additionally, the bosses are still there including Rocksteady, Baxter, Bebop, and we assume Shredder. The game still plays out sequentially like the arcade game and the stages are basically arranged the same way. We also don't get tired of beating up on foot soldiers! Additionally, the marque lights up providing a little more of that arcade cabinet look.

For the portability and price point, we see the value there to be able to keep some Turtle Power in your pocket for on the go play. It also doesn't hurt that it looks pretty sharp with that light-up marquee. TMNT fans are sure to appreciate this little distraction on the go and as always, it can be used as a key chain!

Thank you to Super Impulse for providing us with a review sample.

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