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DC Direct: Re-Activated
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman

Comments:In the classic cartoon that originated more than 30 years ago, Justice League of America members Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and The Flash united to form Superfriends!, a group of superheros that uses their mental prowess as much as their physical capabilities to protect the world from environmental dangers, world disasters, evil scientists, and arcane villains.

Despite her impressive strength and heightened senses, it's Wonder Woman's wisdom and leadership that make the Amazon Princess such a vital member of the Superfriends!

Source: Super Friends

Year: 2007

Assortment: 3

Retail: $8.99

UPC Number:
7 61941 26153 9

  • Display Stand

  • Note:
    Direct from the classic 1970s series, based on the most beloved superheroes of all time!

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