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Hasbro: Marvel Legends

Comments: Unlike most members of the X-Men, Sean Cassidy had a lifetime of experience behind him when he joined the group. Raised on his family estate in Ireland along side his cousin “Black Tom” Cassidy, Sean grew up with a strict sense of right and wrong, and a hardheaded sense of practicality. This upbringing led him to a career in law enforcement, and eventually to the ranks of Charles Xavier’s group of heroes. His history with the X-Men has been rocky – a tale of equal parts triumph and tragedy. Though he became close friends with Xavier, and nominal second in command of the team, repeated injuries led him away from the super-hero lifestyle. Fate, however, had other plans. Banshee gave his life using the last bit of his power in an attempt to save a doomed flight full of innocent civilians.

Source: Marvel Comics -
The Uncanny X-Men

Collection: Build A Figure

Year: 2007

Assortment: 1

Number: 3

Retail: $9.99

Assortment Number: 78106/78100

UPC Number:
6 53569 20546 3

  • Glider Wings
  • Annihilus Right Wing

  • Note: Banshee includes an extra accessory to build an Annihilus figure.

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