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Hasbro: More Fantastic Four Toys
Posted by Curto on June 5, 2007 at 03:00 PM CST:

Every family needs a vehicle that fits its unique needs, and that includes the first family of super heroes! Capable of soaring through the air or hovering along the ground, the Fantasticar is how the cosmic-powered crew gets directly to the action. With battle features designed to enhance the amazing abilities of its crew (and a seating arrangement designed to keep Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm from killing each other), it's the only vehicle fantastic enough for the Fantastic Four?!
਀ഊPlace the super stretch Mr. Fantastic figure inside this awesome Fantasticar vehicle and get ready to save the day! Launch the flame-blast missiles or take on enemies with the Fantastic Four cannon! This three-in-one vehicle features snap-out wings and breaks into three different mini vehicles ? just like in the movie! Vehicle comes with super stretch Mr. Fantastic figure.

Marvel Legends Signature Series: Mister Fantastic
There are many in the world who would describe Reed Richards? ability to stretch his body into impossible shapes as only one of his powers. Though this is the ability that has made him recognizable the world over as Mr. Fantastic, his primary asset has always been hi incredible intellect.
਀ഊReed is a restless genius and tireless inventor. He devises new technologies the way most people butter their breakfast toast ? automatically, without full focus, or even being entirely awake. In addition to being the leader of the greatest team of superhuman adventurers ever assembled, he is also the world?s leading technology innovator. No problem exists for which he cannot devise some kind of technical solution.

Ironically, it is his single, glaring error that led to the Fantastic Four gaining their powers. Rushed by a fear that his lifelong starship project would lose funding, he neglected to adequately shield his ship. This allowed him and his crew to be bathed by cosmic radiation, resulting in the mutations that would change their lives forever.

Silver Surfer's Cosmic Cycle
Racing in to save the day, the Silver Surfer soars from planet to planet faster than light! Whether he?s battling an evil alien empire or delivering the world of mighty Galactus to a doomed world, nothing can stop the sentinel of the spaceways.

Human Torch's Blazing Stunt Bike
The first love of the Human Torch is speed! When he's not rocketing through the air scorching Doctor Doom, he's blasting through the miles on his super bike with the throttle opened up all the way. Pulling wheelies, taking jumps or just going as fast as he can ? when the Human Torch is on his motorcycle, he's the hottest hero there is!

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