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Kidrobot: Joe Ledbetter's Finders Keepers
Posted by Andre on September 22, 2007 at 02:30 PM CST:

From artist Joe Ledbetter comes his first fully designed and sculpted blind boxed mini series with the same vibrant colors, shadows, and character expressions we've grown to love. This new series of vinyl figures are essential to both Ledbetter fans and every one else who adores cute animals.

Join the hunt for Cutter, Kittypillar, Dizzy, Holiday, Dera, Teeter, Thrash, Crash, Gloober, Shermin, Chupacabra and Scape! 16 new designs to find, keep, and collect! (The pictures below shows 13 of the 16 different designs)

The figures are randomly packed in a "blind box". You don't know what you get until you tear open the foiled bag inside the sealed box (Don't forget to pay for the box before opening it up). Suggested retail price for these babies is $7.95.

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