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Mattel Q&A Session: The Answers
Posted by Curto on February 13, 2009 at 01:43 PM CST:

As part of Mattel's bi-weekly Q&A session, Cool Toy Review passed on 3 of your burning questions and now we've got the answers for you.

Cool Toy Review: What exactly is the final word on the latest Target Justice League exclusive 6 packs? From what I'm reading these never reached most of the East Coast including NY, which is where I'm located. Why does it appear that these were exclusive to certain Targets? According to Mattel they have all shipped and will not be re-released. I've never had a problem finding Justice League figures until now. The 6 packs that I'm referring to are Legends Of The League with Crimson Fox, Superman, Deadman, B'Wana Beast, Commander Steel & Vibe. The other 6 pack is The Secret Society with The Key, Batman, Silver Banshee, Shadow Thief, KGBeast & Atomic Skull.
Why can't these 6 packs be rereleased at Target or MattyCollector. Why are we forced to purchase these through Ebay since they should be Target exclusives and not Ebay exclusives like they appear to be?

Mattel: All of the 2008 6 packs have been produced and shipped. It was up to Target to decide which stores to ship them to. We produced exactly the same number of packs in the first wave as we did in the second wave. But since a lot of fans did miss out on these figures, we will look into getting these characters back out in future packs, much like we are doing with Deadshot in Singles Wave 5.

Cool Toy Review: What is the final word on Super Friends Hawkman and the rest of the line including Robin & the Joker? Cyborg has starting appearing at Targets in new packaging. But, on the the back of the package it says Hawkman is cancelled. Also, Cyborg & Hawkman are now appearing at Rite-Aids stores in limited supply in the old packaging.

Mattel: The US actually made a change to toy safety laws in 2009 which made Hawkman off limits in 2009 due to the shape of his mace (being similar to a lollypop). That is why he had to be removed from the 2009 shipments. The figures you are seeing in Rite Aides are the 2008 release which was shipped before the new law went into effect. We hope this clears it up. If there is enough retail interest in late 2009 and going forward to continue the Superfriends line in 6? scale we will look into releasing Hawkman without his mace or with a different weapon.

Cool Toy Review: Character origins are being addressed on the card back bio's of MOTUC figures! Will She-Ra still be He-Man's stolen twin sister and power equal, weilding the same amount of Castle Grayskull's power: whilst also still being King Grayskull's decendent, or will you be changing her origin somewhat? I.E. Will Etheria and the Crystal Castle still be intact or will She-Ra end up weilding Skeletor's dark half of the power sword? Thus ensuring her sword is still the twin or equal to He-Mans sword, as is She-Ra's established cannon so far.

Mattel: She-Ra will absolutely still be Adam?s twin sister. As for the other details you asked about, that remains to be seen! Stay tuned.

Cool Toy Review: Is the Sword of Honour that was shown behind King Grayskull's statue at SDCC this year the actual sword sculpt that MOTUC She-Ra will come with in 2010. Or would She-Ra come with a second half sword that is the same as He-Man & Skeletor's half swords: or possibly an updated version of the gold classic toy version? (Hopefully she will get both swords and her sheild)

Mattel: The Sword of Protection that was part of the statue was not part of the toy but rather a nod to fans that She-Ra POP characters will be part of the new toy line. What the sword will look like remains to be seen as the Horsemen have not yet sculpted She-Ra! But she is coming in due time.

Cool Toy Review: With the release of the WB's and DC's Animated Wonder Woman direct to DVD film. Do Mattel have any plans to do something very similar with She-Ra. The Wonder Woman film director Lauren Montgommery has posted a picture on her blog detailing how she would re-design She-Ra and Co if given the chance.

Would Mattel ever consider doing somethiing like this with MOTUC She-Ra if you decide make a dircet to DVD animated MOTUC film?

Mattel: We are looking into the possibility of doing a direct to DVD MOTU film, but do not have details to announce now. As to whether this would focus on She-Ra or He-Man, we just can?t say. It is too early to comment.

If you have questions for the team, please post them in our forums, and we'll pass them on for you.

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