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StrangeCo: Bob Dob's Luey Is Out!
Posted by Andre on September 26, 2007 at 03:13 PM CST:

These ruckus-causing, sprite like bad boys are a common character in the humorously sardonic paintings of Southern California punk rocker turned "punk painter", Bob Dob. Dob's bar fight- ready cast of woesome bad-boy characters are synonymous with perennial adolescent angst, yet his noir settings and attention to emotional expression carry his work through the generations.

LUEY, otherwise known as the "Universal Bad Habit", is one of the most iconic characters weaved throughout Dob's visual narratives. As minions of the devil, there are many Lueys around and they are always up to some form of no good. "Bob Dob's paintings are filled with great, fully rendered character design," states Jim Crawford, co-founder of STRANGEco. "We're happy to begin showcasing his great work in vinyl form with Luey, the most recognizable irreverent design of them all."

The 5" Luey rotocast figure is available in three versions - Raging, Smoking and Dringking (as in Milk, which Lueys find altogether intoxicating) and will be available October 2007 at finer retailers. MSRP $19.99 each.

Born and raised in Hermosa Beach, California, Bob Dob cultivated a taste for adolescent unrest early on, expressing his talent through music, playing guitar in a punk band named Lunacy. Transmutation from music to art was a natural progression for him. He currently works as a freelance commercial artist for such clients as Aflac, American Airlines, Village Voice, and ABC Family Channel.

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