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ThreeA: Q&A Session #18
Published by AnthonyP on January 26, 2014 at 07:45 AM CST |

Q: With the characters and storyline of Tomorrow King are expanding so vast, is it possible if TKs (or TQs too) will be separated from Popbot storyline and making into their own line and story? I see you already separating TK toys and Popbot toys on wo3a menu page, so maybe that's a start?
A: I have mused about this for years, and have been asked many times by many publishers, but its just a time issue, I think the TK have a large and separate story to tell, that is only really glimpsed in the Popbot comic!

Q: When its time for the next WWR superset to go up for pre-order can we please have a 1/12 option sold at the same time, I mean the very same set, but in 1/12 scale ?
A: Sure, but they will have to meet the minimum to make the cut too!

Q: Any chance the WF 1G Armstrong will have a backstory like Oliver the EURO Bramble? Love to learn more about WWR combat in the jungles and more about the tactics of the WF in particular. Also any chance the Armstrong will include a ghillie suit for camo? WF yo!
A: WF will be revealed soon, The WWR EVOL prelude comic in the non com set leads into the WF stuff!

Q: Can you please confirm that Marquis de Plume will be coming with Bertie MK2? And speaking about Berties, it would be great to have few month heads up (especially if they will compete in variety with Harolds), before they go up?as I am planning to buy all of them!
A: Marquis isnt coming with Bertie MK2 ? Who said that? Ill give you a good heads up for the sale! Marquis is Feb and needs no Bertie to make trouble!

Q: Will Microman get those cool weapons and accessories like the vintage Japan counterpart? And are we going to see some Microman villains? Villains always have such a cool personalities and fun to collect!
A: Well if there is interest in the line, as in people buy it, yea, they will get it, I have the Hoodman ready to go and Acroyear, but its a case of seeing how it pans out. I for one want to do vehicles etc!

Q: Do you have a personal favorite Lasstranaut depiction? You have created different versions of her, do you have a personal favorite 'look'?
A: The next one! I like them all, I like the cartoony ones, and the painterly ones, the character has many moods!

Q: Is there any way that a carrying case/box to house 1/6 figures, not bots obviously, could be looked into development? Maybe like a briefcase or something that holds 3 or four 1/6 figures and a little system to hold them into place with foam inserts? 3A might start and lead a revolution there!
A: That would be cool, a nice way to store and kinda cool looking! Ill say it again, we can make anything like this, if you guys want it..

Q: Will the Lasstranaut 3AA 2014 membership box be able to hold AP boxes like the 3AA 2013 Blanc Hunter box was able to last year?
A: errr , I dunno what that means ? re submit the question ill answer next week?

Q: Do you have vehicles/bots--Biotron, Microtron, etc. kind of stuff in the works for the String Divers to pilot?
A: As answered before in the 5th question , Bio-tron is so cool, gah it all is!

Q: Is there a date or month this year with 1/12 Sea Monkey and Snow Pea name on it?
A: Late Jan early Feb, the Sea Monkey Snow Pea set, also other members separately sold from G.H.G, which Snow pea is member.

Q: After all the talking about Andy Warhol, I been thinking: is there a chance on a Popbot Sherlock Holmes?
A: Ol fish tank head, I want to to show what happened to my Sherlock, but with so many sherlock around now it would seem trite or band wagon jumping!.. Ill address it, and who know maybe a fig, but many more in front to be made!

Q: Why is there so much German in the WWR Universe? Are the NOM German? Does Germany have major significance in the WWR Universe?
A: Im half German, so its a natural affair! Germany does play a major part in the WWR universe, its one of the founding members of rebel countries that eventually stand up against the Earth coalition and say all this war shit against Mars is nuts, stop now or will annex ourselves from the coalition etc. which leads to a sticky situation as you can imagine and cool storylines. Evol is the umbrella for this, not just Rothchilds change but Earth's as well. The Nom come from everywhere!

Q: What do all Tomorrow Kings or de Plume keep in their pouches?
A: Dried fish, what does a soldier keep, rations, munitions, medical, survival whatnots! spank mag, communication devices, whetstone, underwear etc.

Q: Any chance at an EDO with metallic paint app, like an IRON EDO cyborg perhaps? With a bit of rust and different weapon possibly?
A: I have a bronze EDO, who wants a Bronz edo!

Q: I was wondering, there has been some talk about new ladies, would you consider a Valentine's Day Tomorrow Queens sale? Might be cool, especially considering how it falls on NYCTF dates?so we will have something waiting for us at Bamba!
A: Well we could but it would have to off art, with CNY upon us the hatchery is slowing down and only top priority stuff is getting made or sampled! Make no mistake, I see 3A as being a premier maker of the female figure one day, thats along term plan and we are working on them always, NYC TF will have some new ones and our large size prototypes!

Q: How will 3A Adventure comic be distributed both digital and print, can I for example subscribe for the printed version with my local shop?
A: Well the digital version will be available for download from our website, the print copy is still debatable, maybe my friends at IDW might print and distribute to comic shops etc.

Q: Are you planing to release more WWR or WWRp robots with a canister (the one from WWRp MK3.5 Bertie package), just like the sketches of the first Bertie MK1 suggested?
A: How about a canister pack! that might be fun and stupid, 1 pack of canisters and some weapons.. man I need a list of WWRp weapons..

Q: What does MOMBA EDO stand for? Do EDO act like human TKs, are they capable of anything a TK can do? What are their strengths and weaknesses compared to regular clones?
A: They act like guards, not much talk but always watching and considering the situation, they dont chat, but can issue commands or statements that aid in the safety of its wards. They are machines, smart , but still machines that are programmed to protect at all costs! Like any machine, a situation far enough out of its sphere will be trouble! The period of no TK's is the EDO period in my Popbot universe, its a dark time, almost medieval in tone, it doesnt last long, but its a shit time and the EDO are like the knights of the universal realm, something to look to for protection!

Q: You are probably asked a lot?but what about Iron Man and when we might see it at Bamba?
A: Well first week of Feb is Bambastark week, or around then, but its REALLY CLOSE, there are four variants, Classic, Silver Centurian, Stark Industries Prototype and the Stealth! Prototype is 3AA only as a single, or available in the mega 4 pack display box edition.

Q: After 2000AD transition into 1/12th scale, would you consider releasing the Mongrol figure again for the fans that went 1/6?
A: I would, but there were not many takers first time around, are there enough now ? Maybe an Orange Version etc mmmmmmm

Q: Will Tommy Mission be available on Bambaland after NYCTF and is there a chance for AK Zomb, 10FG and Zombkin 1:1 t-shirts?
A: You mean the 1/12th, well those shown are prototypes for the Retail display box thingy, so you can get the Tommy from that set at retail. We constantly hear that you guys want more range at retail, so this is response, plus I think its col to be able to walk into a shop and pick a figure from a display etc For t-shirts, yes, need to find time to put them up!

Q: Obvious question after all 1/12th Adventure Kartel teasers, will you make Custards (and other dogs) in 1/12th scale?
A: Custards, see the blog! or err, you would have seen them as ill put up soon as i finish this list of questions!

Q: Is there a chance to see Thrice Naut and Post Fire (Men from N.O.M) in WWR Evol?
A: maybe

Q: Are you still going to put up Bob Ross type painting tutorials, or will that be covered in the 3A magazine?
A: Well as i dont have a simple way of painting, and that was a joke, so no tutorials from me!

Q: How big in relation to a person are the T.O.T.E.M thug suits? More so are they like a suit of armor OR more of a mech/vehicle with the driver/pilot housed in the body cavity? After analyzing the art, I am interested if the pilot is contained just in the torso or is encased in it like a suit with the upper helmet/shoulders worn almost like a hat on top of the skull?
A: You will see soon!

Q: Some time ago you recommended The Nao of Brown on your blog which I really enjoyed, have you read anything noteworthy since then? Please do share.
A: Nothing of that standard, I read lots of non fiction these days? nothing to recommend! But you know you cant go wrong with Alan Moore Swamp thing!

Q: Photographer - Canon or Nikon?
A: Phase!

Q: What's the best Australian steakhouse?
A: My back yard!

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