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Weta Attends Comic Con 08 In San Diego 24-27 July
Posted by Curto on July 6, 2008 at 10:12 AM CST:
Weta, New Zealand?s multi Academy Award winning visual effects house will be traveling to California to meet the fans at the 2008 Comic Con International at the San Diego Convention Center.

Weta will be showing for the first time their full ranges of collectible sculptures from Disney?s The Chronicles Of Narnia: Prince Caspian and BBC?s TV series Doctor Who.

Also available for a close look is The Victorious Mongoose 1902 Concealable Ray Pistol from Dr Grordbort?s range of Rayguns.

Several new and exciting products and Comic Con specials are destined to make an appearance. More detail will follow in the weeks leading up to the show.

And also premiering at Comic Con is Weta?s range of branded t-shirts, hats and other merchandise. There will be some high profile guests attending the stand for signings and interviews. The final schedule has yet to be completed, but we can promise that a stroll to Weta?s stand will be worth it for press and fans alike.

We will announce further details as they become available. Anyone eager to be the first to know about what?s going on at the Weta stand at Comic Con should sign up to Weta?s email list. Announcements will also be posted on Weta?s website

Facts and details

- Comic Con 08
- San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, California
- Preview night Wednesday 23 July 2008
- Open to Public 24-27 July
- Weta?s location: Booth 2615 ? shared with Dark Horse

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